About Research and Development Cell
As per University First Statues-2002 Chapter IX 9.01 and the First Ordinances-2002 Chapter XV the University was decided to launch Research Programmes in the University under Research Programmes Ordinances & Guidelines-2006. To management and coordination of research programmes the University has been established Research Development and Coordination Cell in the University with Officer In-charge. However the nomenclature of Officer In-Charge has been changed to Director, Research and Development Cell. To implement the U.G.C. Gazette Notification date 11 July 2009 the University postponed new admission in Ph.D. & M.Phil. Programme from the session 2009-10. After receiving the permission letter of U.G.C. dated 15 February 2017, No. F.2-1/2017 (DEB-III) the University revised their Ph.D. Ordinances and Guidelines according to U.G.C. Gazette Notification 05th July 2016 & Nov. 2022 and restarted Ph.D. Programme in Regular Mode from 2020. To monitor and smooth functioning of the research activities in UPRTOU, the University established Research and Development Cell as follows:-